Christian Valentine Gifts

Christian Valentine Gifts

Show your loved ones this Valentine's Day how much you appreciate them by gifting them an olive wood statue about love, while simultaneously reminding them of Christ's love! Take a look at our Valentine inspired olive wood statues!

1) Olive Wood Heart Shaped Statue of the Holy Family

This breathtaking chiseling of aged olive wood portrays a tranquil moment of the Holy Family where Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are depicted in perfect harmony, love and peace. This statue made from Bethlehem olive wood focuses on the intimacy and love Joseph and Mary have for their son, Jesus, and Him for them. This statue is a celebration of the purity of love which is why it’s the perfect gift for someone that you truly love in your life. 1 Corinthians 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

2) Olive Wood Heart Shaped Statue of the Holy Family

In this unique olive wood statue, the holy family is depicted very abstractly and artistically while they are assembled together in the center of a heart. This one of a kind wooden statue of St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary carrying the infant Jesus is sculpted from authentic Holy Land olive wood. Place this statue in your house to turn it into a loving Christian home filled with joy, peace and love. “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” (1 John 4:7-8).

3) Wooden Heart Shaped Plateolive wood heart-shaped plates

This elegant and lovable olive wood carving will put a smile on anyone that beholds it. Carved in Bethlehem with great care, it is a perfect table set for a Christian home. 

We, the Bethlehem Handicrafts’ team, are so proud to put the Holy Land in your hand by giving you a variety of the best and the most outstanding original Bethlehem’s olive wood carvings with the best quality made in the Holy Land.
Made by Christian Hands. Loved by Christian Hearts.


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