Top 5 Holy Sites You Must Visit at the Sea of Galilee

Top 5 Holy Sites You Must Visit at the Sea of Galilee

1) Tabgha

Where the miracle of the multiplication of the five loves and two fish for the five thousand people happened. The rock on which the miracle took place is in under the altar in this church.

2) Magdala

Where pilgrims can visit a new church that is truly special because of its mesmerizing view of the Sea of Galilee, and an outstanding boat in the chapel that commemorates Jesus preaching from the boat. Also, Magdala is the city where Mary of Magdala, who’s an integral part of Christianity, came from, and where a 1st century Synagogue and the “Magdala stone”, which is considered the most important archaeological find in the past 50 years, have been found.

3) Mount of Beatitudes

Overlooks the shore of the Sea of Galilee and is very close to Tabgha, the Mount of Beatitudes recalls Jesus’ most famous discourse, the Sermon on the Mount. Mount of Beatitudes is one of the most magnificently serene places in the Holy Land.

4) Peter’s Primacy and Mensa Christi

This place marks the third appearance of Jesus Christ after his resurrection. Here Peter reaffirmed his love for Jesus Christ and thus his primacy among the apostles was recognized. In this church, you can observe the table of the Lord (Mensa Christi), which is where Jesus prepared a breakfast for his disciples after they went fishing on the lake of Galilee.

5) Lake of Galilee

Also known as Sea of Tiberius, Lake of Galilee is home to many types of fish including “St. Peter’s fish”. It is also the lake that Jesus has calmed and walked on, and where many other incidents in the life of Jesus and his disciples have taken place. Many pilgrims go on a boat ride on this beautifully calm lake.

Join one of our 2018/2019/2020 upcoming pilgrimages to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and get the chance to explore the Mount of Olives in the Holy Land!

Bethlehem Handicrafts: The Holy Land experience you’ll never forget.

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